Feel the Music with All Five Senses

A concert

BitterSuite creates an immersive experience for listeners by using all five senses to create mental and physical engagement at a classical music concert. The creative producer, Stephanie Singer, created an intimate encounter for each concert-goer, where each event is unique for the listener.

Audience members are blindfolded and guided by a performer through choreographed touch and movement. Sarah McCartney, perfumer and founder of 4160 Tuesdays, and Adam Thompson, gourmet chef, involved in Project Collaboration, aid with the scent and taste senses for the performance.

Project Collaboration is essential to BitterSuite’s ethos. Their partnerships help create a multi-sensory experience that deaf or blind audiences can experience and enjoy. The other project, Sense UK, engages vulnerable young people in disadvantaged communities by holding workshops that invigorate interest in sensory techniques.

“BitterSuite symphonies allow you to remain powerfully in the moment by teasing your senses in time with the music...This is a concert where you don’t just listen to the music – you taste it, smell it and feel it as well,” said Lyndsey Winship, The Guardian.

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