Takasago has expanded into India with a manufacturing facility at One Hub Chennai. The capacity of the facility is 10,000 tons per annum and will aid the company to grow its flavor and fragrance segments. The facility will serve Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and other neighboring countries.
TTP Shaheel from Takasago International India said, “We are expecting to grow in both flavors and fragrance while leveraging various consumer insight and market research tools to collaborate with our customers so as to build customer intimacy. However, being the only Asian origin company on the global charts, technology backed with our rich heritage and experience in the other parts of the continents makes us an ideal partner - a perfect blend to serve our customers in India.”
India's Natural Growth
India has been booming in the fragrance industry, making the country an ideal place for expansion, especially naturals like mint, rose and sandalwood. According to Euromonitor, India's fragrance market is expected to reach INR33 billion by 2020. Increased disposable incomes, personal hygiene awareness, more travel among Indian consumers, paired with growing modern brick and mortar/online retail are key drivers to the market's growth.