Using Terpenes to Make Flavors with Health Halos

Part 2 of 2: Exploring terpenes and mood alteration, selection of terpenes and ideas on how to assemble your flavor.
Part 2 of 2: Exploring terpenes and mood alteration, selection of terpenes and ideas on how to assemble your flavor.

Consumers are increasingly aware of terpenes and terpenoids due to their purported health effects, mood-modifying qualities and contribution to flavor. Terpenes and their derivatives are found in spices, herbs, fruits, vegetables, hops, cannabis and other sources. Flavor contributions include fruity, herbal, cooling, flavor and others. A number of health benefits have been reported in literature, such as anti-inflammation, neuroprotection, anti-cancer, anti-microbial and antioxidant. Decreased anxiety, anti-depressant, mood improvement, increased cognitive ability and increased contentment have been ascribed to terpenes.

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