CDP Recognizes Symrise for Environmental Transparency, Awards "A" Rankings

The CDP rating focuses on the transparency and measurability of sustainability activities. The organization looks at how complete the submitted data is and how companies deal with environmental risks.
The CDP rating focuses on the transparency and measurability of sustainability activities. The organization looks at how complete the submitted data is and how companies deal with environmental risks.
Photo Credit: alexlukin Adobe Stock

CDP has recognized Symrise for its environmental transparency in protecting climate, water and forests, awarding it two top ratings of “A” and one excellent “A minus” at leadership level. 

The CDP rating focuses on the transparency and measurability of sustainability activities. The organization looks at how complete the submitted data is and how companies deal with environmental risks. The type of company management is also considered, for example the strategic approach to sustainability challenges.

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Bernhard Kott, chief sustainability officer at Symrise, commented: "Sustainability has always formed a part of our corporate strategy. We attach particular importance to protecting the climate and natural resources in all processes along the value chain. The award obliges and motivates us to continue on our chosen path."

By 2030, the company aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to such an extent that it operates climate neutral overall.

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