Creating Thermal Process Flavors Announces 10th Anniversary


The annual five-day course, Creating Thermal Process Flavors, announced its 10th anniversary. The course, held on October 23-27, is designed for graduate students in the flavor industry and focuses on flavor creation.

The course is taught by flavor consultants, Dr. David Baines and Richard Seal. The course focuses on savory reaction flavors, and now recently incorporates sweet brown flavors like chocolate caramel and malt. The founder, Verner Wheelock, is a food industry training specialist that has created the course for a global audience.

“The course is designed to provide delegates with the theory and practice behind the development and production of process flavors, so they can return to their companies with the knowledge and confidence to create their own reaction flavors," said Baines. “By way of an example, on the last course we showed 52 model reactions in the first two days to demonstrate the use of ingredients, process conditions and the application of enzymes in developing authentic raw materials for use in process reactions.”

The course is based in Skipton, U.K., where all participants are housed in the same hotel, with networking activities in the evening.

Photo courtesy of Verner Wheelock.

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