An opportunity to communicate the thinking behind my latest venture, home fragrance, is indeed a pleasure. When asked to describe in one simple sentence what I do, I haven’t yet determined how to put it succinctly, except to say I am a designer of accessories. I went into business fourteen years ago designing fabric flowers. I have always had a passion for fresh flowers and I felt that artificial flowers could be beautiful, too, if given tbe proper attention.
Once I started designing flowers it was hard not to get involved with the containers which hold them. So soon I was designing vases and then other decorative objects to go with the vases and flowers. The final outcome was the creation of still lifes that would include flowers, vases and accessory objects.
A basic philosophy underlying this approach has been the very foundation of all my work since the beginning. In a design, the various parts of objects cannot be isolated. For example, when a woman creates a beautiful outfit, all the ingredients--dress, shoes, hat, jewelry--should be in harmony and add to the total impression. It is exactly the same in interior design. Just putting favorite things together does not necessarily assure that they will look great. Every object is affected by every other object with which it is placed. It has been my aim to create the most beautiful combination of objects possible. You start with one object that you love. When you place it in a setting you are immediately involved with all the other elements in the setting because they directly affect how that object looks. My interest is in controlling all those elements so that the still life will be an artistic whole. Every room in the home is another still life.