The French Brooklyn-based duo Cosmic Gardens has presented an immersive multi-sensorial show that combines indie electronic music, visuals and smells to take visitors on an introspective exploratory journey from the ocean to the earth and to the cosmos.
As visitors enter the show, the smell of saltwater fills the air and the stage is transformed into an underwater world. The music features a blend of guitars, drums, electronic beats and synthesizers. As the show continues, the rooms transforms into a lush, green rainforest with the smell of aromatics and earth, moved by organic rhythms and acoustic guitars.
The show wraps up with a visual mix of outer space footage, planets and galaxies and the smell of ozone make visitors feel like you're floating in space.
The next show is taking place on Friday, June 23, 2023, at National Sawdust (80 N. 6th St., Brooklyn, New York).