Editor's Note: Behind the Scenes


As a big fan of cinema, I always look forward to the Academy Awards. Not just for the social purposes (who doesn’t love a good Oscars party?), but also for the chance to celebrate the craft—particularly the craft categories, such as the awards for cinematography, costume design and editing.
These elements are, in a way, the unsung heroes of the medium, providing the foundation that supports the writers, directors and actors who often get far more attention. And the same, I think, could be said about lab equipment and packaging. While the flavors and scents might take center stage, it would be impossible for consumers to enjoy them without the machinery and innovations that take them from the lab to the shelf.
In our March issue, we shine a light on this segment of the industry. The team at Colgate-Palmolive offers insights on creating packaging that delivers on every front—sustainability, safety and aesthetics—while maintaining the integrity of the flavor (page 40). Within the lab, professionals from Erlab and MilliporeSigma advise on ductless hoods and water purification systems (pages 24 and 36, respectively), while Beta Analytics takes us through the process of testing biobased and natural ingredients (page 30).
Also in the issue: Paul Kiler talks about expanding the olfactive horizon with Schiff Bases (page 18), and associate editor Alex Mackenzie explores whether or not recent legislation spells the end for vaping, and how that impacts the flavor industry (page 48).
So please, join us in celebrating the people, things and ideas that sometimes go unsung. We hope you enjoy the issue.
Best regards,


Eden Stuart

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