PureCircle's PureCircle Star 1 stevia variety product was awarded a certificate of accreditation by the Jiangxi Agricultural Crop Audit Committee in China, granting PureCircle full intellectual property rights to the new stevia variety.
PureCircle Star 1 is a higher quality stevia plant due to successful traditional cross breeding techniques of carefully selected stevia plants. It contains higher total steviol glycoside content, especially Reb A content, within its leaves. This results in improved manufacturing processes due to greater dry leaf yield and refining efficiencies.
Already in 2011 PureCircle has been working directly with local farmers in more than 5 counties around the Ganxian, Jiangxi region of China as well as the Fujia province to provide seedlings and plant the new proprietary stevia variety. To date, PureCircle Star 1 has been planted in 46 hectares of land with plans to achieve large scale plantations for the next planting season.