Scientific consultancy RSSL has boosted its capability in flavor analysis to gain better information about the chemicals responsible for both the desirable and undesirable flavors and smells within foods.
The company said its major investment in refurbished laboratories, new equipment and expertise includes the investigation of taints and off-flavors as well as the development and optimization of flavors. RSSL's new equipment includes a GC time of flight mass spectrometer (GC-TOFMS), which has enhanced sensitivity to small chemical traces and is used to detect and identify the chemicals responsible for both desirable and undesirable odors and flavors.
RSSL also has added new technology for capturing and testing the volatile chemicals that create the aroma around a product. These so-called head space chemicals emerge at different times and temperatures.
Also relevant to the study of odors are the new GC-olfactory ports, which will help RSSL evaluate the relative intensity of odors as perceived by human subjects. This same equipment can also be used for recognition of particular odors to relate to certain peaks in the chromatogram, aiding identification of the particular compounds responsible.
In addition, RSSL has added new extraction capabilities including SAFE (solvent assisted flavor extraction), stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and membrane assisted solvent extraction (MASE) plus enhanced thermal desorption options.