The British Society of Flavourists will hold a raw material exhibition at the Four Seasons Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland on February 25. The event will include a keynote lecture from Ralf Berger (University of Hannover) titled "From Fermentation to White Biotechnology: How Microbial Catalysts Generate Natural Flavors."
Among the raw material suppliers presenting new and existing ingredients are:
- Oxford Chemicals
- Omega Ingredients
- DSM Food Specialties
- Riverside Aromatics
- Axxence Aromatic GmbH
- Symrise
- Mane
- RC Treatt
- Lionel Hitchen
- Kalsec
- Sensient
- Augustus Oils
- S&D Aroma
For more information, visit the BSF Web site or contact Chris Goddard; tel: 44-(0)-1277-224587.