There have been remarkable developments in the fermentation industry, with cell fusion and gene engineering being put to practical usage in medicine and plant breeding. For the production of aromatic substances, good flavorful products are being developed, for example, by way of fusion of the cells of wine yeasts and the utilizing of sake (rice)—wine yeasts. Simultaneously, many studies are being conducted on tbe mechanisms, per se, through which aromas are formed.
On the other hand, as may be seen in the amino acid industry, microorganisms are used in the production of kiral products. It is now believed that the time has come for such techniques to be used in the production of aroma providing products. There have been many general reviews on the formation of aroma products, but we will introduce the most recent research trends here. Many microorganisms are capable of absorbing and decomposing ammonia and hydrogen within themselves, and are utilized as deodorizing agents.
Available Microorganisms of the Food lndustry
Even before knowledge of microorganisms existed, we had been separating, breeding, and utilizing microorganisms for the making of liquors and cheeses from the natural world. These microorganisms are being used not only by the brewing and tbe food industry to produce alcohol and lactic acid, but also to produce secondary metabolite aroma substances for application of their special characteristic flavors to products.