In this monthly column, senior flavorist Judith Michalski describes the odor, taste and suggested applications for materials ranging from lime heart fractions and apple essence (core key), to black currant absolute.
For example, lime heart fractions (Citrus aurantiifolia) from Capua, distributed by Global Essence (FEMA# 2631, CAS# 90063-52-8, natural), are suggested for adding “heart” to all lime flavors, especially those intended for confectionary, beverage and dessert applications. Other citrus flavors and their combinations will benefit from its addition, as well as cola, punch, cherry, mint and herbal.
The materials covered herein include: lime heart fractions (Citrus aurantifolia); β-sinensal; apple essence, core key; valencene ex blood orange; apple essence, ester key; apple essence, green key; cocoa extract; sulfurol replacer natural, type milk 954747; sulfurol replacer natural, type meat 954746; and black currant absolute.