Since attending IFEAT Vancouver 2022 last October, my mind keeps going back to the Medal Lecture, "Catalysts of Change," given by Berjé’s Kim Bleimann. With nearly 50 years of experience in F&F, Bleimann joined Berjé in 1973 before ultimately assuming ownership and becoming president in 1981 and is now the current chairman of the board of directors.
Bleimann said, "Thunderstorms are building all around us," referencing the European Green Deal and the threats that the possible forthcoming regulations will have on the F&F industry, "if we are not diligent and mindful, the flavor and fragrance industry could be, no, will be in peril."
The Berjé chairman went on to highlight how REACH has negatively affected the F&F industry in "what was structured as a definitive restraint of trade dressed in safety while vehemently denying that fact."
He stressed that these restrictions could not only affect the creativity and innovation of the F&F industry but also cost companies millions to get ingredients approved, saying, "Death by regulation is real."
Currently, F&F professionals are being tasked to re-envision formulations to adhere to ever-changing regulations while also battling supply chain issues. What knowledge could they benefit from in the near future, or even in the now?
In the March issue, Perfumer & Flavorist+ has tapped professionals from all aspects of the F&F industry—from those wearing lab coats to those who are championing bills handled by the United States Congress and beyond to discuss the impacts of regulatory updates in both flavor and fragrance.
To discover the entire lineup of carefully curated at your fingertips, visit the March 2023 Perfumer & Flavorist+ issue.