“The global population is set to reach 8.2 billion people by 2030, one of many reasons sustainable consumption is an increasingly global issue,” said Media Eghbal, country insight managing editor for Euromonitor in a report released late last year. “Although a challenge, sustainability is creating business opportunities ...”
In an earlier report, Mintel noted that 57% of surveyed consumer respondents were willing to pay more for local and sustainable fare. However, Mintel explained, “the majority of those are only willing to pay a mere 1–5% more.” In fact, Mintel’s foodservice director, Eric Giandelone, pointed out that selection, price and convenience often trump green and sustainable attributes for diners. The message: Consumers are looking for accessible sustainability.
Meanwhile, when asked which corporate social responsibility initiatives were most important, Mintel’s respondents selected living wages, local ingredients and company-provided medical insurance. Living wages were most important among older consumers, the report added.