Mixer & Pack Obtains ISO 14001 and 50001 Certifications

Javier Estríngana, quality and environmental management manager, said, “To know what our significant environmental aspects and associated impacts are, helps us to stablish actions to protect the environmental impact.”
Javier Estríngana, quality and environmental management manager, said, “To know what our significant environmental aspects and associated impacts are, helps us to stablish actions to protect the environmental impact.”

Mixer & Pack has obtained certifications ISO 14001 for environmental management and ISO 50001 for energy policies and management.

The company has also obtained updates of the certifications ISO 9001, for quality management systems, and ISO 22716, for food manufacturing practices.

Mixer & Pack said the certifications confirm its competitiveness and reputation in the market, ensuring the security of users and the compliance of products within specifications required.

Javier Estríngana, quality and environmental management manager, shared, “To know what our significant environmental aspects and associated impacts are, helps us to stablish actions to protect the environmental impact.”

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