Linked below are the two most recent Information letters from the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). These are important communications which should be shared with your regulatory staff.
The first Information Letter (764) concerns "ingestible" consumer products containing fragrance. IFRA points out that since the oral exposure route is not typically anticipated when risk assessments are performed for fragrances, such a product application, i.e. intentional ingestion would not fall within the purview of IFRA. A previous IFRA Internal Communication has already addresed the subject of unintentional ingestion of small amounts of fragrance as may be present in oral/lip care products. IFRA recommends that for such products the same rules should be applied as set for fragranced toys and communicated in IFRA IL 752 (recently amended in IL 760).
The second Information Letter (765), with two attachments, provides the Fragrance Product Information Form (FPIF) (and definitions) developed by FMA to facilitate product information exchanged within the fragrance industry. The other attachment is Please let us know if you have any questions about these communications.
Best regards,
MJ Marshall