Olfactory Concert Combines Scent with 19th Century Art

Voyage at the Sea harmonizes marine fragrances with the work of 19th-century artists to celebrate impressionism and conceptually explore water and the sea.
Voyage at the Sea harmonizes marine fragrances with the work of 19th-century artists to celebrate impressionism and conceptually explore water and the sea.

The National Orchestra of Cannes is hosting an olfactory concert, Voyage at the Sea, that harmonizes marine fragrances with the work of 19th-century composers Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel and writer Ernest Chausson. The concert celebrates impressionism and conceptually explores water and the sea.

Related: Olfactory Art Keller Exhibits to Debut at Institute for Art and Olfaction

The fragrances were coordinated based on recommendations by the International Fragrance Association. Diffusion is carried out by micronization and is non-wetting with no direct contact with the skin.

The performance by Musicians of The Institute of Higher Music Education and directed by Benjamin Levy will feature Debussy’s The Sea and an orchestral arrangement of A boat on The Ocean by Ravel. Véronique Gens will give a vocal performance of Chausson’s Poem of Love and The Sea.

Voyage at the Sea takes place on March 5, 2022, at the Claude Debussy Theatre in Cannes, France.

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