Here, Perfumer & Flavorist magazine’s 2014 Flavor & Fragrance Leaderboard ranks the top companies in the industry. It also includes select exclusive insights from key executives on the state and future of the industry.
The global 2013 flavor and fragrance market was valued at an estimated $23.9 billion, compared to $22.9 billion in 2012 and $21.8 billion in 2011. Another number to watch is the percentage of the market represented by the sales results of the top 11 companies. In 2009, the top-ranked companies comprised 72.6% of the total market.
Today, the top 11 flavor and fragrance companies, profiled here, comprise 81.6% of the total. These companies are finding new opportunities in emerging markets, acquisitions, new technologies, health and wellness solutions, backward-integrated supply chains and elsewhere.