Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) is seeking nominations for the FEMA Excellence in Science Award, which recognizes individuals with outstanding dedication to the advancement of flavor science. A nominee may be a member of academia, a research institution or industry, and need not necessarily be an employee (former or present) of a FEMA member company. However, his/her contributions should have had direct or implicit benefit to FEMA and its membership.
Also, the nominee must have made significant contributions to:
• The understanding of the basic chemistry, biology, or physiology of flavor formation and function, and/or
• The application of these advances to food systems, and/or
• The development of analytical methodology in flavor chemistry.
Additionally, he/ she must be a globally recognized researcher in academia or industry, have a solid track record of conducting original research and publication in peer-reviewed journals and, be recognized by peers as a leader in the field.
The credentials of nominated candidates will be reviewed a selection committee to recommend a finalist to the board for approval. The awardees will receive: an honorarium ($5,000), an appropriate gift in honor of their contributions to the industry and an invitation to make a plenary presentation at the FEMA Fall Symposium in October 2009 (with reimbursement for travel and accommodations).
To download a nomination form, click here.