Seeking to increase global reach and industry participation, the International Organization of the Flavour Industry (IOFI) will restructure fully by October, per a membership vote. A new fee structure is expected to stabilize funding for science, advocacy and communication activities.
"A new, streamlined 10-person board will govern the organization," IOFI says. "Comprised of five association ordinary members (one each from EFFA, FEMA, JFFMA, Latin America and Asia) and five company ordinary members, the board members will work on behalf of the global industry. Serving staggered three-year terms, the new board will meet four times per year (twice in person and twice virtually), with additional interim conference calls as needed."
Under the new structure, IOFI will cease to be an association of associations and will become an association of flavor association members and flavor company members.
"Association members will be voting members who pay dues based on market share (association ordinary members) or non-voting members who pay a nominal fee (corresponding members) while working their way to full membership/dues requirements," IOFI notes. "Company ordinary members will be members of associations in at least three major regions, and pay a fee based on global market share."