Organoleptic Characteristics of Flavor Materials - June 2019


Black ceylon tea, pure Jungle Essence

Supplier: Mane

GRAS, CAS#68916-73-4, Camellia sinensis, natural

Odor: @ 100%. Floral, tea, tobaccolike and leafy.

Taste: @ 0.1%. Brown, tea, floral and astringent.

Possible applications: This highly characteristic essence will be appreciated in almost all tea flavors, especially those intended for beverages. Other areas where it could also be used are in dried fruits like raisin, apricot and date.


Coffee arabica, pure Jungle Essence

Supplier: Mane

GRAS, CAS# 8001-67-0, Coffea arabica, natural

Odor: @ 100%. Coffee, ashy, brown, burnt and slightly sweet.

Taste: @ 0.05%. Brown, roasted, coffee, slightly ashy and bitter.

Possible applications: Coffee and other dark brown flavors like mocha, dark chocolate, burnt sugar, toffee and roasted beef, chicken and pork are all good destinations for this material.

Wormwood extract natural

Supplier: Advanced Biotech

FEMA# 3115, CAS# 8008-93-3, Artemisia absinthium, natural

Odor: @ 100%. Woody, brown, slightly floral, brown and fruity.

Taste: @ 0.05%. Bitter.

Possible applications: The profile of this extract will stand along with other bittering agents like gentian, cinchona and sucrose octaaceate to add that note to bitters, tonic, grapefruit, coffee, chocolate and the like.

Advanced Biotech:

Orange peel solid extract natural

Supplier: Advanced Biotech

FEMA# 2824, CAS# 8028-48-6, Citrus sinensis, natural

Odor: @ 100%. Brown, cooked, terpeney and marmaladelike.

Taste: @ 0.1%. Bitter, astringent and slightly terpeney.

Possible applications: Cooked citrus flavors like orange and grapefruit marmalades as well as fruitcake flavors will be enhanced by this material. It can also produce interesting effects in citrus flavors for alcoholic beverages.

Origanum oil

Supplier: Excellentia

FEMA# 2828, CAS# 8007-11-2, Thymus capitatus, natural

Odor: @ 1%. Green, herbal, slightly cooling, thyme, slightly petroleumlike and spicy.

Taste: @ 5 ppm. Fresh, green, bitter, spicy and thyme.

Taste: @ 10 ppm. Fresh, bitter, green, oily, herbal and slightly tarlike.

Possible applications: With its fresh, herbal notes this essential oil will add character and depth to savory seasoning blends for salad dressing, pizza, pasta sauce, soup and meat to name a few. It might also be considered for black licorice flavors as well as those for herbal, monkish liqueurs.


Red mandarin oil

Supplier: FMI

FEMA# 2657, CAS# 8008-31-9, Citrus reticulata blanco var. mandarin, natural

Odor: @ 100%. Citrus, orangelike, peely and sweet with a hint of grape.

Taste: @ 2 ppm. Sweet, citrus and juicy.

Taste: @ 5 ppm. Sweet, subtly juicy, citrus, peely, terpeney and slightly fishy.

Possible applications: This product will be a boon at low levels in citrus flavors including mandarin, orange, grapefruit, yuzu, marmalade and tropicals like mango, pineapple and lychee.


Green mandarin oil HCF

Supplier: FMI

FEMA# 2657, CAS# 8008-31-9, Citrus reticulata blanco var. mandarin, natural

Odor: @ 1%. Citrus, peely, musty, mandarin, rich and slightly grapelike.

Taste: @ 2 ppm. Fresh, juicy, citrus, mandarin and oily.

Taste: @ 5 ppm. Mandarin, fresh, juicy, waxy and candylike.

Possible applications: Primarily citrus flavors will benefit from this material including lime, grapefruit, orange, yuzu and of course, mandarin. It will also add interesting notes to blueberry, grape, wine, cognac and even melon.

trans-2-Heptenyl acetate natural, 10% in EtOH

Source: Alfrebro

FEMA# 4125, CAS# 16939-73-4

Natural occurrence: Yellow passion fruit.

Odor: @ 1%. Waxy, green, earthy, fruity and slightly vegetablelike.

Taste: @ 5 ppm. Green, fresh, waxy, apple/pearlike and slightly earthy.

Taste: @ 10 ppm. Fruity, apple/pearlike, waxy and green.

Possible applications: Although this chemical has been found only in yellow passion fruit, its fruity, green profile will definitely enhance fruits like apple, pear, quince, pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew and kiwi as well as cognac and jicama.



Source: Advanced Biotech

FEMA# 4125, CAS# 123-32-0

Natural occurrence: Beer, beef, cocoa, coffee, kohlrabi, shrimp, pork and rum.

Odor: @ 1%. Musty, nutty, earthy and cocoalike.

Taste: @ 10 ppm. Musty, nutty and cocoalike.

Taste: @ 20 ppm. Cocoalike, brown, nutty, musty and slightly toasted.

Possible applications: This pyrazine will be most at home in brown flavors like cocoa, chocolate, mocha, burnt sugar, nut, caramel and “baked” type flavors.

Advanced Biotech:

2-Heptanethiol natural, 0.1% in PG

Source: Advanced Biotech

FEMA# 4128, CAS# 628-00-2

Natural occurrence: Rambutan and bell pepper.

Odor: @ 0.001%. Tropical, green, sulfurous, rubberlike, musty and slightly mustardlike.

Taste: @ 0.005 ppm. Juicy, tropical and cruciferous.

Taste: @ 0.01 ppm. Juicy, tropical, sulfurous and overripe.

Possible applications: This interesting molecule will fit nicely into fruits like passion fruit, white and concord grapes, lychee, rambutan and durian as well as white wine. Other flavor types to mull over are cruciferous vegetables like Brussel sprouts and cabbage, green onion and bell pepper.

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