Organoleptic Characteristics of Flavor Materials


Barrel-Aged Oak FE 24941

Supplier: Horner International

GRAS, CAS# 68917-11-3, Quercus alba, natural

Odor: @ 100%. Brown, woody, smoky and slightly meaty.

Taste: @ 0.1%. Sweet, spicy, vanillinlike, woody, brown and astringent.

Possible applications: Brown flavors will certainly benefit greatly by the addition of this product including vanilla, caramel, butter rum, toffee, maple, chai, barbecue and bacon. Alcohol flavors are also very good applications including whiskey, chardonnay, bourbon, rum and red wine.

Horner International:


Yuzu Fluid Extract 25301

Supplier: Horner International

GRAS, Citrus junos, natural

Odor: @ 100%. Terpeney, woody and citruslike.

Taste: @ 0.2%. Citruslike, orangelike and sweet.

Possible applications: On its own or in combination with flavors like mango, orange, grapefruit, lime, tea and raspberry, this essence will provide a refreshing note for beverages like tea, spritzers, carbonated water, etc.

Horner International:

Pandan Leaf FE 25303

Supplier: Horner International

GRAS, Pandanus amaryllifolius, natural

Odor: @ 100%.Nutty, toasted, brown, ricelike and cereallike.

Taste: @ 0.2% Nutty, toasted, cooked ricelike and seafoodlike.

Possible application: The nutty, toasted notes of this unusual extract will add subtle depth to cooked rice, cooked milk, taro, ube, nut and other sweet, brown flavors. It should also be considered to enhance seafood flavors like scallops and shrimp.

Horner International:

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