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Regulatory & Research
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Section: Flavor > Regulatory & Research
Regulatory & Research
Giract Debuts 14th Flavor Research Awards Program
Four of the eight companies are supporting this program include dsm-firmenich, Givaudan, Kerry and PepsiCo.
Regulatory & Research
Do you believe F&F incubators are important? [1-Question Poll]
Take a moment to weigh in on this week's poll!
Regulatory & Research
IARC x WHO Release Aspartame Hazard and Risk Assessment Results
The two bodies conducted independent but complementary reviews to assess the potential carcinogenic hazard and other health risks associated with aspartame consumption, both evaluations noted limitations in the available evidence for cancer.
Regulatory & Research
Mintel and Givaudan Launch AI Foresight Flavor Platforms
Understand the nuances of these two novel artificial intelligence-based platforms.
Flavorcon Coverage
How to Apply Taste and Smell Neuroscience to Create Taste Modulators
Alex Woo will break down the finer points of NeuroFoodScience and the evolution of human flavor perception.
Regulatory & Research
EFEO President Manolo Donaire Shares WFFC Speech Recap & CLP Revisions
Donaire warns, "[T]he Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability which is part of the Green Deal, is inflicting very serious unintended collateral damages on essential oils, threatening the very existence of many."
Givaudan Debuts Customer Foresight Futurescaping Platform
The platform is said to leverage Givaudan’s human expertise, big data and AI to anticipate challenges, foresee consumer expectations and create winning food experiences.
Regulatory & Research
Research Project Explores How the Brain Interprets Taste
A research project funded by the National Institutes of Health aims to better understand how the brain processes taste and how those neural pathways can evolve.
Givaudan Announces Digitization of SenseIt Taste Language
SenseIt hosts 400+ descriptors and digitization plans, the sensory language is designed to build an ever-clearer window into the consumer mind.
Doehler and Ixora Scientific Announce Partnership for Taste Modulator Research
Doehler is set to inaugurate a technological office and lab customer facility in North Brunswick that is said to act as the Ixora east coast collaboratory hub and will focus on the development and validation of thousand product applications.
The Society of Flavor Chemists Introduces Legacy Project with the Science History Institute
The Society of Flavor Chemists Legacy Project will document the history of the flavor industry and reveal its important impact on society.
Regulatory & Research
Tighter Rules Now in Effect for USDA Organic Seal of Approval
The goal is to protect integrity in the organic supply chain and build trust in the USDA organic label by strengthening organic control systems, improving farm to market traceability and providing robust enforcement of USDA Organic regulations.
Regulatory & Research
Source of Natural Garlic Oil and Methods of Authentication Study
This article focuses on authenticating the source of natural garlic oil and its value in the food and natural medicine industries.
Regulatory & Research
3 Key Technological Advancements Driving Plant-Based Food and Drink Innovation
Discover Mintel's insights on the innovations in the plant-based food and drink market.
Regulatory & Research
[Updated] 8 Artificial Intelligence Technology Advances in Flavor and Fragrance
Discover the latest AI platforms, technology and partnerships.
Regulatory & Research
The British Society of Flavourists Invest in Webinar Series
The honorary vice president of BSF, Andrea Albertino, discusses the line-up of impressive lectures that were hosted throughout 2022 and the future of the webinar series.
Firmenich, Robertet & Symrise Invest in Startup Programs
This investment in F&F startups has the potential to lead to the next breakthrough in various industry segments.
Regulatory & Research
LMR Naturals by IFF Natural Ingredients Carbon Footprint Evaluation Study
The study identifies high-volume ingredients such as patchouli or clove, as well as specific areas of importance to reduce carbon footprint.
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