Forward Thinking: Fragrances of the Moment


The global fragrance and perfume market is expected to reach $51 billion by 2022,a according to Global Industry Analysts, Inc. According to NPD Group,b about 90% of U.S. consumers use scented products such as perfume, candles (up 16% in 2016), diffusers (up 19% in 2016), portable formats such as rollerballs and travel sprays (up 11% and 38%, respectively, in 2016), home ancillaries/gift sets (up 75%) and gender-neutral scents (up 34–54% in 2016). Mass fragrance sales were down in for 2016 while prestige fragrance salesc increased 2% for the year and flankers were responsible for 161% of fragrance gains. The niche fine fragrance segment has added more than $240 million to the fragrance market since 2014. As mentioned in Trendincite’s Perfumer & Flavorist “Forward Thinking: By Nature,” article, which appeared in April 2017, the natural fragrance market is projected to be worth $5.3 billion by 2024.d

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