Methyl Dihydrojasmonate
Natural Advantage www.natadv.com Methyl dihydrojasmonate (FEMA# 3408, CAS# 24851-98-7) is best described as delicate floral, blooming jasmine flowers. In fragrance, it gives bright elusive jasmine-like lifts and extended substantivity. Methyl dihydrojasmonate adds sweet aromatic lift to tea, while enhancing the sharpness of the tea flavor to give a clean, refreshing finish. In citrus, this product can be used to elevate flavors, missing components such as adding juiciness, sweet notes and rounding out the flavor compounds.
Natural Advantage www.natadv.com Methyl dihydrojasmonate (FEMA# 3408, CAS# 24851-98-7) is best described as delicate floral, blooming jasmine flowers. In fragrance, it gives bright elusive jasmine-like lifts and extended substantivity. Methyl dihydrojasmonate adds sweet aromatic lift to tea, while enhancing the sharpness of the tea flavor to give a clean, refreshing finish. In citrus, this product can be used to elevate flavors, missing components such as adding juiciness, sweet notes and rounding out the flavor compounds.
Methyl dihydrojasmonate is a delicate floral scent. In fragrance, it gives bright elusive jasmine-like lifts and extended substantivity, and in tea, it adds a sweet aromatic lift to it.