Givaudan has secured a plan to preserve its wealth of fragrance ingredients by protecting the “blue gold” of Provence: lavender.
“When there’s a possibility that the supply chain of a natural is fragile, then we try to tackle it to secure long-term sustainable sourcing,” says Herve Fretay, Givaudan’s marketing director of specialty ingredients.
In a move to protect the quality of its lavender supply chain, the fragrance ingredients supplier has become a member of Centre Régionalisé Interprofessionnel d’Expérimentation en Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales (CRIEPPAM), a French fragrant plants research organization, and has built a three-way partnership in which Givaudan finances the supply of certified healthy lavender plants from CRIEPPAM to the members of France Lavande, a local growers cooperative.