Scentys has been innovating and pushing the boundaries of the fragrance diffusion market since 2004. Starting with the fragrance capsule technology it invented and patented, Scentys has been paving the way for the experiences of the future by developing new and innovative ways to diffuse scents.
The company has long been committed to corporate social responsibility. For the fifth year in a row, it has earned an EcoVadis Silver Medal recognizing its environmental, social and ethical responsibility.
As part of its ongoing drive to adopt production methods that limit its environmental impact while allowing it to keep up with growing demand for its products among its clients and on the market, Scentys focused its R&D efforts on finding a plastic alternative. This entailed reviewing not only its approach to design but also the composition of its materials.
After two years of research and development, the French firm began using new and innovative solutions made with new materials. It is today in a position to offer clients that want a 100% virtuous model capsules made with a material that is bio-sourced, vegan and recyclable.
This new material, made from all-natural mineral and plant ingredients, is used to manufacture technical parts that require high levels of performance and durability.
It can be colored without altering the functions of the plant and mineral matter.
The result is an improved carbon footprint relative to the resin currently used.
All-natural and recyclable, the new material can be used in the same manufacturing processes as current polypropylene (PP) capsules.
The challenge here was to meet the standards of excellence associated with the Scentys technology and ensure a high quality of fragrance reproduction. It took several rounds of research and qualification to guarantee that the new material would deliver the same high level of fragrance diffusion quality (compatibility with the fragrances, lifespan, absence of olfactory pollution).
This eco-designed alternative, made in France, is now available to partner brands seeking fragrance diffusion solutions that can be used in the home or car, or to create olfactory experiences (launches or scented events).
Thanks to its modern and automated 3,200-square-meter production plant located north of Paris, Scentys now offers the type of end-to-end services that more and more companies are looking for (design of diffusers, capsules, bagging, products ready for shipment to stores).
In bringing this new material into its design, Scentys continues to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability, working to phase out products made with plastic while guaranteeing the same level of functionalities and excellence in fragrance diffusion.
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