Interstellar Lab Wins 2024 NASA Deep Space Food Challenge

Interstellar Lab's NuCLEUS team in front of phase III NuCLEUS prototype.
Interstellar Lab's NuCLEUS team in front of phase III NuCLEUS prototype.
courtesy of Interstellar Lab

Interstellar Lab won the NASA Deep Space Food Challenge with its food production system NuCLEUS (Nutritional Closed-Loop Eco-Unit System) designed to support long-duration space missions.

In 2019, NASA, in coordination with the Canadian Space Agency, launched the Deep Space Food Challenge with the goal of developing novel food production technologies or systems that require minimal resources, produce minimal waste, and provide safe, nutritious, and tasty food for long-duration human exploration missions.

Interstellar Lab NuCLEUS 

The final phase of the challenge involved a team of 4 'Simunauts' to operate NuCLEUS at Ohio State University Analog Facility over a month. During this time NuCLEUS operated autonomously, growing the various crops that were selected specifically for the challenge. Interstellar Lab Mission Control remotely instructed the simunauts on maintenance and harvesting throughout the challenge.

Over the course of the operational timeline, NuCLEUS ended up producing roughly 10kg of food with the following nutritional profile: 558g Carbohydrates, 286g Protein, 56g Fat, and 3622 calories. 

The Interstellar Lab team at the Deep Space Food Challenge Symposium at Ohio State University accepted the award from Michael Green (Deputy Associate Administrator, NASA STMD) and Robyn Gatens (Director of International Space Station, NASA HQ).The Interstellar Lab team at the Deep Space Food Challenge Symposium at Ohio State University accepted the award from Michael Green (Deputy Associate Administrator, NASA STMD) and Robyn Gatens (Director of International Space Station, NASA HQ).courtesy of Interstellar Lab

The NuCLEUS system leverages modular bio-regenerative technology to grow fresh microgreens, vegetables, mushrooms, and insects, providing essential nutrients for astronauts on extended space missions. 

As part of the Deep Space Food Challenge, Interstellar Lab is said to have developed innovative recipes using fresh ingredients grown in NuCLEUS crafted to provide astronauts with nutritious, diverse and time-efficient meals for long-term space missions. 

Winning this challenge is said to mark a significant milestone for Interstellar Lab and underscores the dedication, creativity, and perseverance of the Interstellar Lab's team throughout the three-year-long journey. 

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