Sozio Receives Gold Rating of Ecovadis Certification

Being more sustainable and guaranteeing the ethical sourcing of its natural raw materials are some of the main goals Sozio has set in its CSR strategy.
Being more sustainable and guaranteeing the ethical sourcing of its natural raw materials are some of the main goals Sozio has set in its CSR strategy.

 Sozio has been awarded with the gold rating of the Ecovadis certification, adding the company to the top 5% of rated companies.

Related: Sozio Creates Natural Ingredient Division

This certification rewards the CSR standard implemented by Sozio several years ago. To support its social and environmental impact, Sozio developed a clean fragrance label to create safer scents for humans and for the environment with a commitment towards transparency in its formulation.

With the launch of its natural raw material division, Botanicals, Sozio pledges for better and more responsible sourcing, ensuring traceability and premium quality.

Being more sustainable and guaranteeing the ethical sourcing of its natural raw materials are some of the main goals Sozio has set in its CSR strategy.

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