Did Someone Say Change?


According to Merriam-Webster, synonyms of the word “change” are ample: alteration, modification, refashioning, remaking, remodeling, revamping, revision, reworking and so on. We have seen, experienced and heard the word “change” so much in the past several years, from various aspects of life and from all corners of the world, which is changing politically, economically and culturally. Along with that, there has been a tremendous shift of population migration that affects everything we do, plan and market in our industry.

Like most aspects of culture, fashion, food and art have lifecycles and turning points. The fragrance industry has reached that stage. In 2014, major manufacturers and fragrance suppliers started to undergo realignments and restructuring, made substantial brand purchases, restructured departments and, in some cases, eliminated positions. I was a victim of the latter, but believe that with change comes new avenues and opportunities for individuals, companies and brands.

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