The essential oil produced from the leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis L. is an important essential oil of Spain. The Rosmarinus offlcinalis L. plant grows wild and has been cultivated in different parts of the country. The following sections treat history, botany, essential oil production, physiochemical properties, chemical composition, olfactive properties and applications, and production and trade of the essential oil of Rosemary. The preparation of terpeneless essential oil of Rosemary will be mentioned.
To obtain a general impression about Rosemary oil one should consult the existing books and reviews. The publications cited in these books and reviews will be mentioned, as will other publications and this author’s investigations and ideas.
In Greek and Roman times the use of plants of Rosemary was important in religious ceremonies and public festivities. The plant was regarded as a symbol of fidelity. Rosemary plants are still used today in southern parts of Spain during religious processions, when the plants are strewn on the streets.