Brian Lawrence, consultant, shares insight on various essential oils including niaouli oil, cornmint oil and more:
Niaouli Oil
Niaouli is the common name given to the oil obtained from Melaleuca quinquinervia (Cav.), S.T. Blake, a member of the Myrtaceae family and a sister species of the popular Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden et Betche) Cheel or tea tree.
Cornmint Oil
Simizu (1991 reported that over the years the cornmint grown for oil production and ultimate menthol isolation in Japan has changed. The cultivars grown in Japan were Akamaru (1924), Hokoshin (1938), Manyo (1953), Suzukaze (1954), Ouba (1962), Honyo (1965) and Ayanarin (1968). He also reported that Higashima and Sakata (1981) determined two main constituents of dementholized cornmint oil of Japanese and Chinese origins.