Directed by Howard Moskowitz, President of MPI Sensory Testing Inc., New York, New York. Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Harvard College. Pioneer in product optimization and consumer guided product development.
David Fishken, Director of Research & Development, SensoriMetrics Division of MPI Sensory Testing, Inc. Ph.D. Northeastern University, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Boston State University.
The purpose of this short course is to provide those concerned with cosmetic product development and evaluation an overview of scaling and the types of information and applications that derive from consumer product assessment. This short course will cover the history of the magnitude estimation procedure, its development and applications, as well as “hands on” evaluations and analysis.
The simple in-class evaluations will illustrate the practical application of modern sensory measurement to assess quality, intensity (strength) and hedonics (acceptability) of products. The course will be of particular value to those who do in-house product assessment; who use sensory data in product development and reformulation; and who do competitive product evaluation and product concept testing with consumers.