This issue is all about fine fragrance and vanilla. Why are they placed together? Ever since gourmand became a fragrance category, vanilla was its shining star, not to mention vanilla still holds the number one spot as the most popular flavor globally. So throughout these print and digital pages, we give you a little taste of both categories.
Mass & Premium Grow
The fine fragrance market has fluctuated over the last six years (excluding 2018). According to Euromonitor, the global fragrance segment (which includes mass and premium) reached its peak in 2013 at $51,434.0 million before dipping in 2016 at $46,194.6 million. In 2017, these numbers began to rise again with sales at $49,383.3. Turn to page 56 for a more in-depth analysis of the global fragrance market in Euromonitor’s report.
Niche brands continue to be acquired by larger groups in order to reach a wider audience who are looking for customizable products driven by authentic story telling and natural ingredients. The segment is expected to grow at a CAGR rate of 6.2% between 2018-2023a. Amy Marks-McGee explores beauty and fragrance trends on page 24. But there’s also another story here when it comes to niche/mass dynamic. How can the industry work together to protect its intellectual property amidst an expanding marketplace? Saskia Wilson-Brown elucidates in her op-ed in the digital edition (page DE6).
Authenticating Vanilla
Despite its popularity and adoration among consumers around the world, the vanilla market is volatile to say the least. Subject to strict regulations, crop theft, adulteration, immature beans and a consistently burgeoning demand, the F&F industry looks for solutions to establish a more consistent and cost-effective supply chain.
Natural sources to derive vanillin continue to be an area of significant interest in addressing authenticity and traceability from food manufacturers and consumers, as well as regulatory compliance. This issue, we explore authentication methods using radiocarbon analysis (page 30) in order to distinguish between natural and synthetic routes.
Will you be in Paris for SIMPPAR? Perfumer & Flavorist’s May issue will also be present during SIMPPAR in Paris, June 5-6, 2019. I look forward to seeing you at the P&F booth and discovering the latest in fragrance materials and ingredients. And I hope you enjoy this issue.
With warmth from Brooklyn,
Deniz Ataman
Managing Editor
a Research and Markets report: Global Fragrance and Perfume Market 2018-2023
*Editor’s Note: We’d like to address an error printed in the March 2019 article “Bio-Based Butanol as a Solvent for Essential Oil Extractions.” In the first column of T-8, the data for “Solvents” and “Hexanes” were misprinted. Please refer to the digital edition for the correct table. We regret the error.