Until the 19th century, all basic goods for human use were derived from plants and animals. In the 20th century, the rapid development of the petroleum industry changed people’s lifestyles, enabling mass production, mass consumption and mass waste. Although producing goods in a sustainable way to meet 21st century demands is no easy feat, it is well known that the use of petroleum feedstock poses problems for humanity’s collective future. Such products release CO2 stored in fossil fuels and increase CO2 levels in the environment, thereby exacerbating climate change (F-1).
Furthermore, the United Nations has announced that the world population will total more than 9.6 billion in 2050.a It is quite feasible that this population growth will cause a future shortage of water, food and energy. Similarly, it will have an impact on the flavor and fragrance (F&F) market, the size of which in 2013 was $23.9 billion,b which is estimated to expand about 6% annually over the next 10 years. Consequently, the Reproduction in English or any other language of all or part of this article is strictly prohibited. © 2014 Allured Business Media. F&F industry is exploring various ways to increase sustainability in the 21st century. From a raw material procurement point of view, this report describes two main streams, securing renewable natural ingredients and establishing sustainable synthetic chemicals in F&F (F-2).