Five Adventurous Flavor Trends


Africa's burgeoning middle class and economy has introduced the global flavor marketplace with complex ingredients that captivate our taste buds. Paired with Asian and Middle Eastern ingredients, FONA International predicts a combination of sweet, spicy and sour flavors this year.


Hot, spicy and oh-so-fragrant, berbere is a staple in African cuisine. The spice blend typically includes chili peppers, fenugreek seeds and ginger.

Muse Booze

What can't vinegar do? Drinking vinegars are growing in popularity as a base for cocktails and sodas. Added bonus: you can get your dose of Vitamin C too.


This purple delicacy is being embraced like never before. With burgeoning vegetarian dishes popping up all over menus, eggplant provides an alternative to animal proteins; as well as meaty textures for dishes.

Rethinking Citrus

Preserved citrus offer that sweet and bright flavor most popular in Moroccan flavors. Lemons are traditionally the staple; however, citrus varietals like yuzu, blood oranges and kumquats also offer complexity in flavors for cocktails, sauces and dressings.


Fruits and vegetables alike are now being paired together in unlikely ways to create blended colors, textures and flavors.

  • Cucamelon: This grape-sized hybrid is a cross between a cucumber and watermelon that...wait for it...tastes like a lime. The flavor is ideal for cocktails and other beverages.
  • Mandarinquats: You guessed it. A hybrid between mandarin orange and kumquat that offers a super sweet flavor from its peel. Ideal for sauces, beverages and dressings.
  • Pineberry: Despite its ghoulish appearance, pineberry is a cross between a pineapple and strawberry. Its combination is a balanced marriage with the texture of a strawberry and pineapple flavor.
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