As consumers seek enhanced health functionality in their diets, Bell Flavors & Fragrances is excited to announce its newest line of food-grade botanical extracts.
These extracts have already achieved great commercial success in beverage and dairy flavor applications, and Bell believes the next generation of food and beverage applications for these extracts will include soups, cream cheese, chocolates, nutritional bars, cereals, condiments, health supplements, and other products that will benefit from natural claims.
Bell's food-grade botanicals include:
- Absinthe Flavor Blend Extract, Natural
- Anise Extract, Natural
- Black Currant Extract, Natural
- Cardamom Extract, Natural
- Chamomile Extract, Natural
- Coriander Extract, Natural
- Costmary Chrysanthemum Extract, Natural
- Curry Extract, Natural
- Dill Extract, Natural
- Elderflower Extract, Natural
- Echinacea Extract, Natural
- Sweet Fennel Oil Extract, Natural
- Ginger Extract, Natural
- American Ginseng Extract, Natural
- Panax Ginseng Extract, Natural
- Gingko Biloba Extract, Natural
- Guaranna Extract, Natural
- Licorice Extract, Natural
- Parsley Extract, Natural
- Quassia Extract, Natural
- Rosemary Extract, Natural
- St. John's Extract, Natural
- Spice Extract, Natural
- Tea Essence, Natural
- Green Tea Extract, Natural
- Valerian Extract, Natural
For more information on these new extracts or any of Bell Flavors & Fragrances' offerings, please contact us.
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