Blossom Water LLC has introduced Blossom Water version 2.0, a line of recently reformulated botanical waters with immune health support.
In an effort to create a cleaner label, the beverage line was recently reformulated with a proprietary sweetener blend, which reportedly cut calories and sugar content in half, and removed erythritol and agave from the formula. Additionally, the beverage has also gained a new functional benefit with the inclusion of Kerry Group’s Staimune ingredient.
"In keeping with its probiotic heritage, Staimune interacts with immune cells lining the digestive tract. These cells constitute fully 70% of the immune system, and Staimune helps ready their response to system challenges and stressors when it's taken regularly," said Michael Bush, executive director at Kerry. "Blossom Water will be the first water to incorporate Staimune, and we at Kerry are really excited to see this partnership bloom."
The beverage line will also introduce a mango hibiscus flavor, which will include a balance of sweet and tart tastes, along with fresh fruit notes.