For La Distillerie de Saloi, Sustainability is Essential for Essential Oils


La Distillerie de Saloi seeks to create high quality essential oils—white protecting the natural resources and family traditions of Moya, Anjouan in the process.

Anjouan is part of the Comoros Island, located in the Mozambique Channel in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa.

Created with the help of the Franco-Comorian Codevelopment Program, La Distillerie de Saloi was formed with social objectives in mind, including:

  • Increasing the producers’ wage—Distilling 100 tons of flower per year, mobilizing more than 350 producers in the region
  • Creating skilled and sustainable employment for the women and children of Moya—Since 2017, it is partnered with producers to increase the wages of harvesters working on their plots
  • Creating skilled and sustainable jobs—Employing a dozen technicians among Moya youths and women in vulnerable situations, hired on permanent contracts and “well remunerated to guarantee a stable income over time”

Environmental practices include:

  • Everyday eco-initiatives—A nursery created to replant the ylangueraie, growing ylang fee, free and endemic trees to reforest the nearby rivers
  • Recycling of resources—A composting platform and well established to recover lost water, ensuring that the river which runs nearby doesn’t get polluted
  • Improved and durable material—The on-site stoves are developed by experts from the NGO experts, designed to divide the quantity of wood by 4 to 5; in total, this saves 350 tons of wood per year when compared to traditional installation

According to the organization, it has yielded more than €400,000 of direct benefits for the region to date.

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