MG International Fragrance Company is now a member of the Ethics and Reputation Society (TEID) in Turkey.
TEID consists of prominent institutions that infuse their administrative and commercial functions with the principles and values of professional ethics.
MG International Fragrance Company is listed among Turkey's first 750 industrial enterprises and is the two-time winner of the "Above The Line Sectoral Performance Evaluation Award," in the "Large Scale Enterprise Category" for chemistry sector, granted by Kocaeli Chamber Of Industry.
Previously: MG International Wins ‘Top Line Sector Performance Award’

Mazıcı continued: "In line with our strategic goals, we have a responsibility to align our corporate vision with a structure that can be passed on to the next generations through our participation in TEID. On behalf of the MG International Fragrance Company, I would like to say that we are delighted to be a member of this prestigious society and to officially make it known that business ethics and values are included in our corporate policies."
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