100% Green, Bio-based Wood Vanillin


The market for bio-based vanillin is growing rapidly as customers move away from synthetics. In response, Borregard presents its 100% sustainable wood vanillin.

According to the company, while the demand is more recent, Borregard has been producing bio-based vanillin since 1962, and bio-based products in general since 1889. Its Wood Vanillin (INC: Vanillin) is defined as a Derived Natural Ingredient for cosmetics and personal care, according to the International Standard ISO 16128-1. Vanillin serves as an antioxidant and in flavor and fragrance applications.

The source for Borregard's vanillin, Norway Spruce, is reportedly sustainable and harvested from certified forests with short transport routes. The company believes in sourcing wood from forests that are managed in a proper, sustainable and eco-friendly manner. Borregaard is therefore Chain of Custody (CoC) certified in accordance with the FSC and PEFC forest certification standards. 

The company notes the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. They consider wood-based products from sustainably managed forests to be part of the solution to the climate challenges the world is facing.

Borregaard utlilizes 100% of the natural Norwegian Spruce raw material, harvested from 100% sustainable forests, and is therefore 100% committed to green growth.

For more information, visit the Borregard website.

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