Vateria indica Linn. (Syn. V. malabarica and Chloroxylon dupada) belongs to the natural order Dipterocarpaceae. It is distributed in the forests on the western mountain slopes of India at elevations up to 4000 feet. Various parts of the plant are used for curing different ailments. The oleoresin is used as fragrance in paints, varnishes and ointments. It is also used as a stimulant, dressing for carbuncles, and other ulcerations.
Prior to the investigations of the present authors, Dutt reported the physiochemical constants of the essential oil from oleoresin. Thus far the oil has not been completely analysed. In the present investigations the authors have made an attempt to analyse the essential oil extracted from the oleoresin of Vateria indica.
Experimental The oleoresin, when extracted by water and steam distillation, yielded a yellowish brown coloured essential oil of 1.5% with the following physiochemical constants: d25 0.9260; nD25 1.5196; (α)D25 + 6°4’; acid value 7.20; saponification value 20.50; saponification value after acetylation 41.51.