Geranium Oil A survey of the early literature reveals that methyl mercaptan was found as a trace component in geranium oil (Peyron 1961). Rajeswara Rao et al. (1992) determined the effect of different fertilization practices on the major constituents of geranium oil produced in Hyderabad (India). They found that the major constituents ranged in composition as follows:
Kaul et al. (1997) studied the effect of drying and the air headspace on geranium oil stored under a variety of conditions. They found that the lack of water removal and the storage of oil in a container only fi lled to 50 percent capacity had a marked effect on the oil composition; in particular there was a reduction in the geraniol, 10-epi-γ-eudesmol and geranyl formate contents with a corresponding increase in the citronellol content (see T-1).
Sastry et al. (2001) compared the effect of heaping or spreading of freshly harvested geranium herbage prior to distillation on the oil yield and composition of two cultivars (Kunti and Bipuli) grown at Kodaikanal (Uttar Pradesh, India). They found that if the herbage was spread out to dry it could be stored for a period of 6 h if necessary, whereas if it was either heaped or left for any longer times, the yield and composition would be detrimentally affected. The composition of each cultivar that was freshly distilled is shown in T-2.