Jazet-Dongmo et al. (2007) screened an oil of cinnamon leaves that was produced in 1.4% yield from cinnamon trees growing in the Botanic Garden of Limbe (S.W. Cameroon) for its antioxidant and antifungal activities.
Singh et al. (2007) compared the composition of the oil and oleoresin of cinnamon leaf produced from leaves purchased at a local market in Gorakhpur (U.P., India). The oil was produced by hydrodistillation in 3.1% yield, while the oleoresin was extracted using a Soxhlet extraction system with acetone as the solvent.
Trace amounts (<0.01%) of β-pinene, myrcene, p-mentha-1(7),8-diene, terpinolene, α-terpineol, α-cubebene and α-amorphene were also found in this oil.