Lovage Root Oil
An oil of lovage root produced from Levisticum officinale Koch plants grown in Iran from seed of Hungarian origin was the subject of analysis by Dayeni et al. (2006). The constituents that were characterized in this oil were as follows:
α-pinene (0.72%) camphene (0.15%) β-pinene (0.84%) myrcene ( 0.05%) α-phellandrene (2.65%) γ-terpinene (0.01%) allo-ocimene* (0.01%) trans-pinocarveol (0.01%) pentylbenzene (0.14%) 6-butyl-1,4-cycloheptadiene† (2.90%) α-terpinyl acetate (0.45%) β-elemene (0.03%) patchoulane† (0.37%) junipene° (0.08%) isobornyl isovalerate (0.04%) δ-cadinene (0.03%) β-eudesmol (0.03%) (Z, Z)-α-farnesene (0.13%) T-muurolol (0.91%) 3-butylidene phthalide* (1.48%) 3-butyl phthalide (85.20%) 3-butylidene dihydrophthalide* (2.67%) aristolene (0.55%) phytol (0.13%)
* correct isomer not identified † incorrect identification ° also known as longifolene