Deniz Ataman, Managing Editor, Perfumer & Flavorist
Flavors and fragrances are often compared to music. When considering this issue’s focus on synthetics, I think of acoustic instruments and their materials. Acoustic instruments can be made by materials found in nature. Think: animal hide made for drums, guitars made by now endangered rosewood, flutes made from reeds; while synthetic materials like carbon fiber can offer sustainable, eco-friendly and cost-effective accessory replacements, like a violin bow. Yet, using synthetic materials to recreate the whole violin would result in a different sound entirely–while using some synthetic parts strategically can create a unique combination of materials resulting in beautifully amplified harmonious sounds. Similarly, F&F’s use of natural and synthetic materials together in formulations can do the same; one often helping to amplify the properties of the other for an enriching sensorial experience.
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Flavors and fragrances are often compared to music. When considering this issue’s focus on synthetics, I think of acoustic instruments and their materials. Acoustic instruments can be made by materials found in nature. Think: animal hide made for drums, guitars made by now endangered rosewood, flutes made from reeds; while synthetic materials like carbon fiber can offer sustainable, eco-friendly and cost-effective accessory replacements, like a violin bow. Yet, using synthetic materials to recreate the whole violin would result in a different sound entirely–while using some synthetic parts strategically can create a unique combination of materials resulting in beautifully amplified harmonious sounds. Similarly, F&F’s use of natural and synthetic materials together in formulations can do the same; one often helping to amplify the properties of the other for an enriching sensorial experience.
As science and technology drive these sensorial innovations, aroma chemicals, in particular, are booming. The aroma ingredients market is expected to reach $2.83 billion by 2023a, with synthetics projected to grow at the highest CAGR.
This issue, we focus on synthetics, but it would be moot to discuss it without mentioning its counterpart: naturals, which are influencing sourcing and extraction through bioproduction. While synthetics offer stability in shelf-life, odor and appearance, we’re seeing more biorenewable sources and more carbon testing to test the naturalness of these sources.
You’ll also find some of the latest synthetic materials in our Product Roundup (page 8), where suppliers showcase ingredients that are biodegradable, biotechnologically produced and naturally occurring among others.
So as an industry, how can the synthetics story be told to fit our current state? Is it through safety? Sustainability? Environmental friendliness? Biorenewable sources? I’m interested in hearing your thoughts, please share them: [email protected]. I hope you enjoy this issue.