When it was first released in January 2011, the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) 25 list of flavoring substances issued by the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) was notable for the number and diverse types of flavors and flavor modifiers it included. The composition of these regular publications has evolved since the FEMA Expert Panel (FEXPAN) published its first GRAS publication (GRAS 3) in 1965, reflecting the evolution of the flavor industry's palette, the sophistication of instrumentation, and the national and international regulatory concerns. For more than 30 years Timothy Adams, currrent scientific director of FEMA and scientific secretary of FEXPAN, has held leading positions in the assessment of flavor ingredient safety. For these efforts he will receive FEMA's 2011 Richard L. Hall Distinguished Service Award.
The Last Word: Timothy Adams
Apr 20th, 2011