The European Flavour Assocation’s (EFFA) FlavourDay, which is traveling through Europe, made its first stop of the year in Istanbul, on February 21st, 2018. More than 100 guests attended.
Organized by AREP, the Turkish Flavour Association, #Istanbul_FlavourDay included scientific and regulatory presentations, as well as tasting stands. Pomegranate, a popular Turkish fruit, was highlighted in application and tasting sessions. (FlavourDays allows each country to select a flavor to showcase to international partners.)
Speakers included two members of the Turkish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, who explained flavoring legislation in Turkey. EFFA scientific and regulatory affairs director Jan Demyttenaere and communications director Jimena Gomez contributed with presentations.
An interactive panel, including Mintel global food science analyst Emma Schofield, took a deep dive into what drives consumer choices in food trends, emphasizing the role of flavorings.