At the annual fall meeting of the National Conference of State Legislatures in Phoenix (Nov. 28-30, 2007), the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association (CTFA) announced it is changing its name to the Personal Care Products Council. It also announced the launch of an a new consumer information Web site that contains in-depth information about cosmetic safety.
The new Web site, www.cosmeticsinfo.org, is an online resource designed to provide consumers with easy access to safety information about cosmetic ingredients and the science behind personal care products. The site currently contains information on 13 personal care product categories and more than 1,500 ingredients that represent a majority of all ingredients used in cosmetic and personal care products today. Additionally, the Web site provides links to other authoritative bodies and to scientific research so consumers can select the products that are right for them.
“We are a science-based, safety-first organization and industry with a long track record of safety initiatives that go beyond the requirements of the law," said Pamela Bailey, president and CEO of the Personal Care Products Council. "Our new name, motto and consumer Web site are the latest expression of our shared core values of safety, quality, and innovation."
The new, broader and more contemporary name for the association is said to reflect its increasingly diverse membership, and the new motto for the association and the consumer information Web site emphasize the Council's continuing and enhanced focus on consumer safety.